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About Us

Blair Veenstra, Personal Real Estate Corporation

Owner-Real Estate Consultant/Agent

Cell: 250-889-3926
Email: blair@housesellinggroup.com

Blair is the creator and driving force behind The House Selling Group. In the day-to-day functions of the team, Blair primarily handles listings, but also works with many of our buyers who need to sell their home first and then go on to buy their next home concurrently. He also handles all negotiations and strategy for all of our listings, to ensure a consistent, reliable marketing plan for every home.

Deanna Noyce, Personal Real Estate Corporation


Cell: 250-818-8806
Email: deanna@housesellinggroup.com

Working as a licensed realtor since 2003, Deanna’s business has grown from past clients and repeat business as she strives to really connect with her clients and takes the time to get to know what is important to them, and to help guide them through what can be a very emotional process. Deanna prides herself on working with buyers and sellers with honesty and integrity and truly enjoys helping people connect with their new communities.

    About Deanna

Katrina Smith

Unlicensed Assistant

Cell: 250-744-3301

Email: katrina@housesellinggroup.com

Katrina has been an unlicensed assistant with The House Selling Group since it’s inception and plays an integral role in the administration and organization of the Victoria office.

About Katrina

Jeremy Semple, Personal Real Estate Corporation


Cell: 778-677-9402
Email: jeremy@housesellinggroup.com

Jeremy has spent his entire life on Vancouver Island and is deeply committed to his impeccable reputation as a local real estate expert. His abilities as a Certified Negotiation Expert has gained him the respect of his industry and his clients for a skilled approach to always getting the best deal for his clients.

More About Jeremy

Get In Touch

The House Selling Group

Phone: 250-889-3926


Office Info

REMAX Camosun

4440 Chatterton Way  Victoria,  BC  V8X 5J2 

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