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Buying your home starts with choosing the right Real Estate Agent. Your home purchase should be all about you. In order to give you the best experience possible, you need a team of professionals who can help you achieve your goals. Our team of professionals will provide you with the guidance, area expertise and top negotiating skills that you will need to purchase a home in Victoria, B.C. We have the confidence, experience and local knowledge to find you the right home and area that fits your needs. You want us on your side when purchasing a home

Buyers Consultation

No one likes to waste time, but many purchasers end up doing that. We will take the time to sit down with you to assist you to learn about the buying process. We look forward to finding out specific details about what your ideal home looks like and your financial comfort level. We are always happy to help.

Home Buyers Guide

Buying a home is one of the most rewarding experiences most of us will ever have; it’s also one of the most challenging. If you are buying for the first time the process may seem overwhelming. Even if you have bought several homes, every move is different and presents new challenges. Contact me to receive a complimentary copy of my home buyers guide. This guide offers an overview of the buying process and the steps that you will take.

Contact me for your Complimentary Buyers Guide

The House Selling Group

REMAX Camosun

4440 Chatterton Way  Victoria,  BC  V8X 5J2 

Phone: 250-889-3926
