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6 signs this home might be “the one”

By Lindsay Borschneck

Home buying is exciting, emotional, and can even be stressful. If you are wondering how you will know if you have found the one, you probably haven’t found it yet. Here are 6 signs that this home might be “the one”.

You texted your friends photos of it

Usually you update your friends or your mom that you are going to view homes and you give them an update on how the tour went. But with this one, you send them the listing and snap them some photos almost immediately. You are excited to start a conversation with them or anyone that will listen about this house. 

You become possessive over it

Did you see this house during an open house and suddenly feel competitive or a rush of adrenaline to make sure you get all your ducks in a row, like today! Or during a private tour were you already thinking about the logistics of your upcoming renovation or that your next call is to your mortgage broker to get them on the case?

If you walked out of your first showing knowing you need to make a move, this might be “the one”

It already feels like home

Walking though peoples master bedrooms and their bathrooms sometimes feels a bit weird as you feel like you are walking through their private spaces. But if that feeling doesn’t exist and you can envision your stuff in those rooms, this might be “the one”. Do you get those warm fuzzy feelings and can imagine your children growing up here or hosting dinner parties in the dining room that will perfectly fit your grandmother’s antique dining set? This might be “the one”.  Do you feel happy? Safe? Just generally comfortable? This might be “the one”. 

It becomes the yardstick

You viewed this home early on so you knew you should keep looking at homes as the first or second one couldn’t possibly be “the one”, right? However, with each home you see after you find yourself comparing it to this one. “This dining room is quite a bit smaller than that house”, “This living room is so much darker”, “I liked the kitchen layout better in the other house”. If you find yourself always comparing homes to one house and it’s always coming out on top, it might be “the one”.

It’s got great bones

Of course no house is perfect, but maybe you are overlooking some things that may have been deal breakers with other homes because you already feel like you will be buying this house. For example, you told your realtor that you are not interested in a big project, but you find yourself already adding an ensuite and updating the cabinets in your mind. Or the home cannot have carpets, but now you find the carpets homey or you can see yourself updating the floors yourself,this might be “the one”. You can’t change the location of a home but you can always update the paint, flooring, etc. 

Your interest in seeing other homes dissipates 

You are still looking at homes on your custom search but even homes that are fitting well into your criteria aren’t getting you as excited and you don’t jump on asking to view the property. You just no longer feel an interest in viewing anymore homes – this might be “the one”.